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Optional Modifications

The following are a couple commonly requested or made modifications that you may be interested in making to your Genesis setup.

Including jQuery Globally in Webpack

Only use this feature if you need include jQuery globally without requiring the developer to explicitly import it each time. If needed, update your webpack.common.js file's plugins array to include the following code:

new webpack.ProvidePlugin(
        $: 'jquery',
        jQuery: 'jquery',
        'window.jQuery': 'jquery',

Adding Vue.js to your project

The Genesis webpack file has already been configured to allow for the compilation of Vue Single Page Components

To start using Vue.js you will need to include it as a dependency for your project. You can do this by running the following pnpm command in your Genesis framework directory pnpm install vue --save

Once you have installed Vue as a dependency, you can include Vue in either your theme's Global.js file, or any of the page specific JS files with the following import code

import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.js';
This imports the Vue.js Full build as opposed to the default Runtime-only build. The full build is required for the .vue files to compile correctly. More information about the different Vue.js builds can be found here

With those two steps complete you are now ready to start using Vue in your build. From this point forward you should be able to follow the standard Vue.js documentation

Per the Vue.js documentation, components can be regestered globally or local to your specific Vue component. Here is an example of a global component being registered. In my case I put this in my theme's Global.js file:

Vue.component('vue-drawer', require('../components/vue-drawer.vue').default);

Below your code that registers all of your global components, you would place the following to create a new Vue.js instance and assign it to an element in your DOM. I also did this in my Global.js file

var app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',

This attaches Vue to an element on the page that has an ID of app (This can be named anything you want).

Independent Theming per Store

This modification allows you to develop different themes for each store within a "mall".

Once you have configured your repository with Genesis you can proceed with modifying your folder structure to accommodate a multi-store environment.

Step 1: Copy your theme folder

  1. Open your terminal and cd to your project folder
  2. Run the following commands:
    cd themes
    mkdir 00000001
    cp genesis 00000001

Step 2: Update your theme-settings.json

  1. Open theme-settings.example.json
  2. Modify the themePath values by adding your store id as a folder between themes and genesis. For example:
    "themePath": "themes/00000001/genesis/"
  3. If this is an existing store notify other developers that you have made changes to the theme-settings.json file and that they should reference the new example file.

Step 3: Repeat

Repeat steps 1 & 2 for each store. Make sure you use the correct store id.

Once you are finished you can safely remove the genesis folder contained directly within the themes folder.

rm -rf genesis

Step 4: Update your theme path (MVT)

  1. Open cssui-html-profile.mvt file
  2. Modify the g.theme_path variable values to dynamically include the theme path. Example:
    |   Set your theme file path here.
    <mvt:assign name="g.theme_path" value="'themes/' $ padl( g.Store:id, 8, '0' ) $ '/genesis/branches/' $ tolower( slugify( g.Store:branch:name ) )" />